Error messages happen! Sometimes, they give you tips on what to do to fix the issue, but other times they are confusing. Follow these steps for more help on troubleshooting. If you've received an error message, please try the following steps:
- Log out/log back in
- Clear your cache. Clearing your browser's cache is a reset of your browser by removing temporary files that may interrupt our platform's performance. This is done within your browser's settings. If you are unsure of how to do this, try this helpful guide.
- Restart your device
- Log out/log back in
- Uninstall/reinstall
- Restart your device
If you've tried these options and you're still experiencing the error, please reach out to SeeClickFix support and provide:
- Device type & version
- If using the web, please provide the browser type & version
- If using the app, please provide the app type & version a screenshot of the error message, if possible.